Dog Photo Pet Photography

I am going to take the time and have my pets professionally photographed, one day…

Have you ever said “I am going to take the time and have my pets professionally photographed, one day…” When most people hire a photographer it’s for a specific “human” event. Weddings, birthdays, senior graduation…all of these have a very specific time for images to be taken. 

When it comes to photographing our pets we think the phone pics are just fine. Those black blobs, and blurry images, that you would never have printed, or you’ll just lose anyway. 

iphone pic vs Professionally Photographed Pets
I would have loved this picture, (taken from Jason’s iPhone), it’s a shame.

Maybe you think you have time to schedule a professional pet portrait session, someday. But time goes by and the next thing you know, your best friend’s muzzle is grey. Then they are moving more slowly, or, the worst day arrives. 

Our pets are on this earth for such a short time.  Before you know it, they will be crossing the rainbow bridge. This is why portraits are so important. Seeing your dog every day, healthy and happy, on a wall portrait, will keep that memory alive long after they are gone. 

You celebrate your children throughout their lives, and fill your home with their portraits. Our dogs should be given the same honor. 

Dog Photography Wall Art GSD in Scott Depot WV Pets Professionally Photographed

Having a “Family Photographer” pop your dog in a few photos is fine, but it is a totally different experience having a Professional Pet Photographer photograph your pet. Your pet is the sole focus! 

Professional boutique pet photographers know how to get beautiful images of your pets. We have the knowledge, and professional equipment, as well as the ability to get your pets attention, to get the very best images. We have the post processing software and ability to properly prep files for print. As well as offer beautiful products and helpful services

Acrylic Album with box Pet Photography
Large Acrylic Album with Box and USB


We actually had one of our Rottweilers “Professionally” photographed at one of those department stores (think JC Penny’s) a long time ago. 

Old Photograph of a studio Photography session taken at a high volume department store
Nicholas von Storm


Pet Photography is a “thing”, it’s big, across the world actually. And it’s come a long way from that JC Penny’s shoot. Of course I cherish any and all photos I have of every pet I’ve ever owned. But I am so glad I will have some kick-ass images of our girl Faith. 

Pet Photography Faith in Pocahontas County WV

So don’t say “I am going to take the time and have my pets professionally photographed, one day…” Just do it now! You can have a wall portrait, or even an album filled with images of your pet from puppy-hood through adulthood, for you to cherish for the rest of your life. 

We have many products to choose from, visit our products page on our website.

Contact us for a no obligation consultation to find out more about having your pet professionally photographed!

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