Did you know, as a part of our boutique pet photography services, we help you to choose the best products to suit your needs. And if you choose wall art to adorn your walls, such as our floating framed canvas, we can show you what the photograph will look like, at different sizes, on “your” actual walls!

That’s right! No guessing on how that 11×14 would look over the couch. You’ll just send us a photo of your wall and we’ll work some magic. Once you see it, you might just think it is way too small, and decide to upgrade to a 24×36 or even a 30×40!

Or, maybe you have a space between two doors and you’re just not sure that a 16×24 landscape would look OK, or if it will even fit! You may need to do an 11×14 portrait instead.

Planning Session
These are just some of the benefits included in our boutique pet photography services. Before the photography session even happens, I’ll get a lot of information from you at our planning session. This session helps me to tailor the session and images to suit your needs. We will go over your product preferences, your home decor, and what colors you like. Not to mention, what your pet is like, and it’s likes and dislikes. As well as what your end result and expectations are for your session, and much much more!
I’ll also need to know what products I might be taking the images for.

Will we need a portrait or landscape shot for that wall art? Or am I creating art for albums?
These are just a few things to consider, and why a planning session is so important.
Sign up for your own full service pet photography session today!