You may ask yourself, “why are professional photography products so much more expensive than what you can get at a consumer lab?“ Print Labs -Professional versus Consumer… Well printing at a consumer lab such as CVS, Walgreens, Shutterfly, Walmart, etc. is much like shopping at the Dollar Store versus Neiman Marcus.
Consumer Print Labs
Low priced, fast service, that’s it.
The prints are, cheap, often with distorted colors, and will not last, they will fade and degrade.

The 8×10 print above was printed in early 2011 at Walmart. The photo below, was the digital the print was printed from. No detail is in the print, the white is blown out, the yellow has faded, and the color and brightness are off. This isn’t the greatest photo, but it does show how bad of a print you get from a consumer lab.
Tip! Do not put your prints behind glass without a mat!

I know most people are looking for the fastest and cheapest way to print those pics you’ve taken on your phone or that shoot and burn photographer gave you with your shoot. I get it, it is convenient and affordable. Been there done that got the t-shirt.
But, should price beat out quality, and the ability to have your cherished memories for a lifetime? Not to mention, the wide variety of products and craftsmanship a professional photography lab offers.
Professional Print Labs
Hiring a boutique professional photographer is an investment. You’re paying for the artists skill, knowledge and style!! Plus their ability to offer professional quality products.
Furthermore, the quality of products from professional print labs can’t be beat, they are stunning!
Most professional labs do not sell to consumers so your photographer is a middleman between you and the professional lab. They don’t put their prices on their website and they produce top-notch products that you just cannot get from consumer labs.
Also, professional photo labs use specialized calibration equipment to offer a high level of color precision and offer the photographer the color profiles for the paper used. They use professional grade printers, print on professional paper which gives you better accurate color, use superior ink and chemicals that produce superior images, and offer more sizes and print paper options. Not to mention they have great customer service, when something is wrong, they will make it right.
Also, if you “just get the digital files” and your computer crashes, or you lose that disk, or thumb-drive, where will you be? Unless your shoot and burn photographer keeps proper back ups, those memories will be lost forever! You can read more about the boutique professional photography model versus the shoot and burn model here.
Get your portraits printed! And get them printed by a professional photography lab, through your professional photographer! And then you can look at and enjoy your portraits every day for the rest of your life.
Print Labs -Professional versus Consumer. When it comes to professional photography labs versus consumer photography labs there is no comparison. From consistent color and contrast to a variety of printing options, professional photo labs outperform consumer labs. Don’t sacrifice quality and longevity of your precious memories. Your memories matter!
Shoot us a email when you are ready to book your full service pet portrait session and get your own professional print products!