Limited Edition Zoomies Session Fill out the form below to get booked for the next Zoomies session. Spring 2025. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmail *Phone Number *Best number to reach you if needed.I think my dog is… *Very Friendly / SocialPeople AggressiveDog AggressiveNeutral (not aggressive nor overly friendly)What best discribes your control over your dog *I have NO control over my dogI have some control of my dog on leashI have excellent control over my dog on leashMy dog is very well trained on and off leashYour dog will not be off leash for these sessions this just gives us some information for scheduling.I have looked over the website and underastand that no digital files or products come with the session fee. I am also aware of the cost for Collections for the Zoomies Sessions and that à la carte pricing starts at $345. *I understandI will be paying my session fee… *with a check, email the contract to me pleasewith a credit card, invoice me & send contractBoth the contract & payment for the session must be received within 1 week of booking your session, and 1 week before your scheduled session date. You are not on the schedule until both have been received. Any additional info. you'd like us to know?Anything you’d like us to know about your dog? Or of the possible available dates and times, is there a specific day/time you would like to try to get scheduled if possible? We will schedule you once the contract and payment are received but this can help with the scheduling.CheckboxesAdd me to your mailing list (I know I can easily unsubscribe if I change my mind).Submit